Help us raise economic security for women and families.

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The economic security of women and girls in our community is critical; it is often the underlying problem that creates or magnifies other issues. From identifying and targeting gender-based inequities to advocating for equality for women and girls, The Women’s Fund supports programs, policies, and educational initiatives that improve the lives of women and girls in Miami-Dade County and beyond. We convene and collaborate with other agencies and organizations to create systemic change that addresses issues of economic security for women and girls. 

  • Gender Pay Equity 

The Women’s Fund Miami-Dade is committed to achieving gender pay equity in  Miami-Dade County. Gender pay equity is not limited to equal pay for equal work, but also includes equal opportunity in education, training, hiring, advancement, and total workplace inclusion. 

  • Paid Family Leave 

Paid family leave should be available to Miami-Dade County residents employed by the government, business, and other entities. Paid family leave is income received while an individual is away from work for an extended period of time to provide care for a  seriously ill family member, bond with a newborn or newly adopted child, or recover from a severe health issue. Income may come in the form of salary,  insurance policies, or government programs. Paid family leave may also be called  Family Disability Leave, Paid Parental Leave, or Family Leave Insurance. 

  • Education 

Quality, free, and universal public education must be accessible for all students. The schools must provide appropriate opportunities for girls to reach their full potential.  The public education system is a key mechanism for leveling the playing field so that every child, regardless of background, has a fair opportunity to succeed. 

  • Child Care 

Affordable, quality child care for all families is needed. Child care takes various forms and is provided by either the government, an organization, or a person while parents are at work or absent for another reason. Without the adequate provision of quality child care, many women are unable to work or further their education.  Babies and small children as well as older children require quality child care, which needs to be available during traditional and non-traditional hours. 

  • Affordable Housing 

Sufficient, safe, and affordable housing should be available for all low-income families in Miami-Dade County. Affordable housing refers to housing that is affordable for people whose income is below the median household income. Families who pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing are considered cost-burdened and may have difficulty affording other household necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and medical care.  

  • Wage Theft 

Economic security and dignity are undermined by wage theft. Wage theft is the underpayment and nonpayment of wages earned by employees. Wage theft includes, but is not limited to, the failure of an employer to pay any portion of wages due to an employee according to the wage rate applicable to that employee, within a  reasonable time from the date on which that employee performed the work for which those wages were compensation. 

  • Minimum/Living Wage 

People who work full-time in Miami-Dade County deserve a living wage. The living wage is the amount of income needed to provide a decent standard of living adjusted to compensate for inflation. The purpose of a living wage is to make sure that the minimum wage is equivalent to the true cost of living and that anyone who works full-time has enough money to live above the poverty level and avoid homelessness. 

  • Homelessness 

Homelessness in Miami-Dade County needs to be eradicated. A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets, stay in a  shelter, mission, single room occupancy facility, abandoned building or vehicle, or reside in any other non-permanent situation. Individuals and families who have an unstable living arrangement, including living with a series of friends, extended family members, or acquaintances because they cannot maintain their housing situation may be considered homeless. This includes people who have previously been homeless and are released from a prison or a hospital without having a stable housing situation to which they can return.  

  • Affordable Transportation 

Reliable, safe, affordable transportation should be available for all Miami-Dade  County residents. Access to affordable and reliable transportation widens opportunity and is essential to addressing poverty, unemployment, and other opportunity goals such as access to good schools and healthcare services. Transportation costs are a large household expense and are closely tied to housing location. Typically, those families with the lowest incomes spend the highest proportion of their funds on transportation costs. Transportation systems,  decisions, policy, and infrastructure all have a strong, positive relationship to job creation and access.


On average, women earn 78 cents on the dollar to a white man, with black women earning 61 cents and Hispanic women earning a mere 55 cents on the dollar. One in five women in Miami-Dade County live in poverty. Scarcity of affordable housing is a key factor causing homelessness in Florida, and the overall homeless population in Miami continues to climb. Education, adequate household income, and employment are critical in preventing and reducing homelessness and providing economic opportunity and security.

Why Pay Equity?

One in five women in Miami-Dade County live in poverty – 20.5%, according to a recent study. As this single issue has the potential to positively impact a wider range of issues – affordable housing, childcare, transportation and more – we chose to target equal pay as a means to improve the quality of life for women and girls in Miami-Dade County. Learn More about Equal Pay and The Women’s Fund Miami-Dade.

Read the Report: Women in the Workplace 2018

Click here for the official press release – Equal Pay Miami-Dade.